A new concept in information technology support.
Are you making big payments for maintenance and support but getting very little in return?
Our e-Time™ service has been developed to deliver real value for money. Simply purchase an e-Time™ contract, and use the facilities as and when you need them.
Having problems with your computer system?
Book a systems engineer with e-Time™
Not getting the most from your computer system?
Book a technology consultant with e-Time™
Want to use an application and don't know how?
Book some training with e-Time™
Benefits of e-Time™ include:
- No call out charges.
- Agreed response times from 2 to 8 hours.
- Telephone support.
- Site visits to upgrade or maintain your current systems.
- Site visits to train your staff to use business systems more effectively.
- Technical advice to help your business develop.
- Engineers on-site, in-sight working as part of your team.
This service is purchased in blocks of 10 hours, and is available for desk-based systems for as little as £ 350.00
Back-office systems require more in-depth expertise. e-TimePlus™ delivers the support level required to keep your business information infrastructure at peak efficiency. This service is also sold in 10 hour blocks, and is available at £ 450.00
For further information, please contact us.