Search Engine Optimisation if a process where your web site in analysed on a continuous basis to maximise your site visibility in search engines.
Contrary to popular belief this is not a black-art, but requires a great deal of preliminary work, and an ongoing commitment to maintain search engine placement.
- Surplus Bearings: Do a World-wide Google search for Surplus Bearings and look for
- Do a UK search for Stainless Steel Flanges or Butt-weld Fittings or High Pressure Fittings
Identification of Key Words and Phrases
Key words and phrases must be determined from a number of factors:
- Identify your key products and services
- Analyse keyword ranking from search engines
- Finalise key phrase list based on keyword availability and importance based on business objectives
Optimisation of Content
The content of your website must be changed to make maximum use of the keywords identified:
- Analyse your web site content based on identified key phrases
- Modify your web content to take advantage of identified key phrases
- Ensure your web site is search engine friendly
Back-link Generation
Once the initial optimisation is complete, the key phrases must be reinforced by the generation of back-links from other web sites.
- Investigate potential advertising partners
- Submit press-release or similar material to relevant web sites
- Take advantage of our back-link generation service creating links from over 110 web sites with over 45,000 pages
Ongoing Optimisation
Once the initial optimisation is complete, further progress should be made to refine what is already in place, reflect any changes to the operation of the search engines, and mirror any new business objectives.
- Verify keyword ranking based on keyword availability and importance based on business objectives
- Modify web content to reflect the new key phrases identified
- Update press-release and similar material
- Update back-links
When our Search Engine Optimisation services are engaged, positive results can be expected within three months.
Please Contact Us to arrange an SEO consultation.